Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Math Journals Linky

Well, today I'm excited to link up with Adventures in Guided Math to talk about math journals. I have thoroughly enjoyed their series on Guided Math in Action, so if you haven't seen their site yet, I recommend you check it out.

In my class, students use composition books that have a spot for a picture on the top, and wide-rule lines on the bottom of the paper. I really like these, and our school supplies them for us. Above is our first math journal entry for the year!
One resource that I used last year was 2nd Grade Math Journals from K-5 Math Teaching Resources (and this year, in my example journal prompt). They are set up so that you can print them on labels, but I just print on regular paper and have the students glue them in. Depending on the prompt, I often change the numbers manually (the prompts aren't editable) to differentiate among my students. They are organized by standard too, which I find to be helpful. They are now offered on Teachers Pay Teachers, but I bought them from their website at http://www.k-5mathteachingresources.com/math-journals.html They have lots of great free as well as paid resources on their website. Check it out!

I sometimes make up my own problem based on a skill or strategy that we are focusing on. I just type it into Word, then copy so that multiple problems fit on one page, then cut apart to give to students.

Sometimes I give my students sorts to glue in their journals.
Here's a quadrilateral/not a quadrilateral sort that we did last year. I have my students write a sentence or two about it after they complete the sort.

Thank you for visiting!

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