Monday, April 7, 2014

April Showers

Well, I'm loving that it is finally Spring Break, but it is very rainy today. So I thought I'd sit down and blog about prefixes and suffixes. My school system uses the Building Vocabulary series, so I follow it in choosing which prefixes and suffixes to teach. 
I do use Swimming into Second's oh-so-cute prefix and suffix posters. You can find them here for free!
Prefix and Suffix Posters by Swimming into Second

It's super-easy to make quick sorts in Excel. You can also fit several student's sorts on a page, making them paper efficient too (and able to print off my printer if I don't have time to swing by the copier-shhh, don't tell). 

We were studying pre- and -ly this week. The students chose either pre- (before) or -ly to add to the words, whichever would make a word that made sense. On the next page, the student chose 2 from each column and used them in a sentence.
My kids also make this foldable that I found in a Donna Zike book:
It has a spot for the suffix (or prefix), and what it means. The student writes three words for the suffix to add to, so that the student can flip it to see all three words.

There is another word written under harm, next to less. I think it was care, but I didn't have the picture to show you. But I think you get the idea...
There are also a couple of great freebies I found recently. One is from Swimming into Second and can be found here:

and the other is a freebie from Amy Lemons that can be found here:

She also has a Prefixes and Suffixes blog post that is amazing, just like everything else she does! It is her March 27, 2014 post. You can link to it here:

How do you teach prefixes and suffixes? I'd love to hear your ideas or comments!

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