Sunday, March 30, 2014

Happy Spring!

I am so glad that Spring is finally here, and that Spring Break is just one week less than a week away! Black Mountain, here we come!

I am also glad to finally be writing this blog post. I meant to do this a long time ago, and now I am. Better late than never, hopefully!
One thing I thought I would post is how my class has done paper bag puppets this year for the famous Georgians we study, like Mary Musgrove, James Oglethorpe, Tomochichi, and some you may be familiar with if you're not from Georgia, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Jackie Robinson. My students loved making puppets earlier in the year for Musgrove, Oglethorpe, and Tomochichi. I made a quick paper with a frame for them to write 3 things their Georgia Hero might say for them to attach to the front. 

When we studied Jackie Robinson and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. recently, we made puppets for them also. 
Jackie Robinson: I will change baseball. My friend is Pee Wee Reese. I play for the Brooklyn Dodgers.
M. L. King, Jr.: I have a dream. I want to end segregation. I want people to be equal.

My students loved coming up with what their "hero" might say. Of course, the kiddos did other more involved writing, but this was a fun culminating activity.
The version that my students had My Georgia Hero on it, but I made up a generic version that anyone could use. If you'd like it, you can find it here for free:
What Would my Famous Person Say?

What fun Social Studies activities do you like to do with your class? I'd love to hear about it!